
The publications of Mediacity Seoul 2016 are devised to supplement the temporal and spatial limits of an event that is a biennale, and to branch out particular nodes of Mediacity Seoul’s ideas, mainly in the form of writing. In addition to the exhibition guidebook and the biennale catalogue, four issues of COULD BE, and Summer Camp publications will be published.


Mediacity Seoul 2016 is publishing four volumes of the non-periodical publication?COULD BE?from April 2016 up until the opening of the exhibition in September.?The publications will contain current issues discovered by contributors with different characteristics and viewpoints, standing at the crossroads of the biennale and multiple contemporary art languages. The guest editors of?COULD BE?are Yekyung Kil (Korea, editor and translator), Keiko Sei (Thailand/Myanmar/Japan, writer and curator), Chimurenga (South Africa, publishing and exhibition project team), and Miguel A. L?pez (Costa Rica/Peru, writer and curator). Moon Jung Jang (US/Korea, graphic designer) collaborates as an art director and design advisor.

COULD BE?is distributed by more than twenty independent bookshops and art spaces in Korea.?Please find the distributors in this map.?