Taeyoon Choi
Uncertainty School, 2016, Documentation video of summer camp, ink drawing, wood, Dimensions variable
? Location:?Seosomun Main Building
Unlearning Diary, 2016, Ink drawing, Dimensions variable
? Location:?Buk-Seoul Museum of Art
Unlearning Diary is based on the artist’s experience of teaching outside of traditional academic institutions. The artist focuses on the learning that can only be experienced outside of schools, and examines sites of conflict that lead to meaningful learning. He proposes pedagogy and curriculum that vanish the distinction between a student and a teacher, which may result in the world based on mutual trust and interdependence.
“The common definition of unlearning is ‘to put out of one’s knowledge or memory, to undo the effect of: discard the habit of.’ However, I hope to use the word unlearning in a broader sense. It can mean forgetting knowledge or habits that may contain power structures worth challenging. If learning is like weaving knowledge and experience, unlearning is like untangling bias and prejudice. Our body is a machine for living, an apparatus for intervening the system, a medium to bring us together. We can use our bodies to unlearn. Street protests, community art and collaboration with other artists are places where unlearning is possible. Transforming our everyday life and environment can affect psychological space, which in turn opens up a gap for new knowledge to take place.” (Taeyoon Choi)
Taeyoon Choi
b. 1982. Lives and works in New York and Seoul.
Artist and educator based in New York and Seoul. His art practice involves performance, electronics, drawings and storytelling that often leads to intervention in public spaces. Choi collaborates with fellow artists, activists and professionals from other fields to realize socially engaged projects and alternative pedagogy. He was an artist in residence at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center and Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. He self-published books about urbanism and is working on a new book of drawings about computation. Choi cofounded the School for Poetic Computation in 2013 where he continues to organize and teach. Recently, he is focusing on unlearning the wall of disability and normalcy, and enhancing accessibility and diversity within art and technology.