Eyes, Walking slowly and Connected Future
09.24, 10:00am — 10.29, 1:00pm
Buk-Seoul Museum of Art (map)
Kumdarak Saturday Cultural School in Mediacity Seoul 2016
Mun Mi Hee, Mire Lee
Mun Mi-hee
Mun Mi-hee?is an installation artist who has a great interest in making a happy world which is slow and warm because we are all together. In order to put into practice a sharing of the sense of touch, she established the Sharing Sense of Touch Research Center. By producing and suppling touch-painting fairy tale books, which were made by hands to be read by hands, she is doing research and varied activities to lead the visually impaired into the wider world.
Mire Lee
Lives and works in Seoul.?Mire Lee finished an undergraduate program majoring in Sculpture in 2013 at Seoul National University. Since her graduation she has worked independently. Lee is keenly interested in the bluntness that may be found in sculpture as a medium. She experiments with installations, kinetics and sounds to explore how dynamic, charming and volatile the three-dimensional media can be. In her two exhibitions?Front View of Omissions, Onground Gallery, Seoul, 2014 and?War Isn’t Won by Soldiers It’s Won by Sentiment, Insa Art Space, Seoul, 2014, she presented kinetic installations combined with sounds using less than sophisticated technology.
In the biennale Mediacity Seoul 2016, Seoul Museum of Art has been running programs which correspond with modern art and the changing concepts of media and which continually interlock with the cultivation of citizens’ artistic sense. Mediacity Seoul 2016 is its ninth edition. This year, the cooperative programs are being jointly run with the Kumdarak Saturday Cultural School. These programs will offer an opportunity for students to learn about art through practices related to modern art, including media art, as well as to research a variety of languages and methodologies of art.
Target Audience: Students in Seoul from fifth grade in elementary school to third grade in middle school (Both visually challenged and non-challenged students will work together.)
Education Schedule: Every Saturday from 24 September to 29 October 2016
Venue: The Buk-Seoul Museum of Art
Participation Fee: Free
Format of Education: Multi-format (three dimensional artwork, VR, and video) and (sculpture, installation, and kinetic art)
Eyes, Walking slowly
The artist Mun Mi-hee’s workshop, Eyes, Walking slowly, which has been planned for the 2016 Kumdarak Saturday Cultural School in Mediacity Seoul 2016, is intended to have students experience various senses by the use of artistic media and to expand their communication skills through the program. Participating students will be able to wake unexpected perceptions in the process of expressing and sensing themselves through the program; and they will be able to understand well the differences between the senses of sight and hearing.
Connected Future
The artist Lee Mi-rae’s workshop, Connected Future, has been planned in such a way that students will study the characteristics of artistic media and the effects of gravity. By the use of a variety of art material, including plaster, styrofoam, wire, paint, and motors, students will create abstract sculptures. By participating in the process of creation and destruction, students will widely learn a variety of methodologies of art creation. Students will enjoy themselves while making simple three dimensional artworks by the use of knives and different kinds of tape. While creating kinetic artworks from casting materials, such as plaster, and electronic components, such as small motors, they will study the dynamics of creation and the materiality of artistic media. These individual sculptures, done by each student, will be assembled into a final single installation piece. After this, there will be a performance in which each participant will join in the process of destruction.
*Both workshops will be in Korean only.
For more information, click this link.