robbinschilds + A.L. Steiner
C.L.U.E. (color location ultimate experience) Part I, 2007, Digital video projection, color, sound, 10 min. 48 sec., Courtesy of the Video Data Bank,
, 1000C.L.U.E. (color location ultimate experience), Part I is a collaborative video and performance work by artists A.L. Steiner and robbinschilds, with AJ Blandford and Seattlebased band Kinski. robbinschilds (Sonya Robbins and Layla Childs) and A.L. Steiner present a fullspectrum video, set to a score by rock quartet Kinski. In particular, the dynamic movements of people in multicolored costumes—the colors change every second as they move—draw our eyes. Each sequence features robbinschilds in monochromatic gear, acting in psychedelic contrast and communion with their surroundings. The artists traverse a desolate desert, seaside, darkened parking lots, and an urban junkyard as they fall, run fiercely, walk, or jump. In a style that is obsessive, persistent, and often humorous, robbinschilds reveal their observations of the human imprint on the world.
robbinschilds + A.L. Steiner
robbinschilds was formed by choreographers, Sonya Robbins and Layla Childs in 2003. Though trained in and rooted by a background in dance, robbinschilds often works outside of that discipline, engaging in site-specific and installation-based performances which contain elements of video, sound and sculpture. The duo creates performance and video works for diverse venues including the stage, gallery, museum or site. In their presentation of time based work robbinschilds explores the juncture between architecture or place, and human interaction.?
A.L. Steiner
b. 1967. Lives and works in Los Angeles.
A.L. Steiner utilizes constructions of photography, video, installation, collage, collaboration, performance, writing and curatorial work as seductive tropes channeled through the sensibility of a skeptical queer 146 ecofeminist androgyne. Steiner is a collective member of Chicks on Speed, co-curator of Ridykeulous, co-founder of Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.) and collaborates with numerous visual and performing artists. She is MFA Faculty at Bard College and Fall 2016 Critic in Photography at Yale University School of Art. Steiner is based in Los Angeles and New York, and is featured in permanent collections such as The Brooklyn Museum of Art, Marieluise Hessel Collection of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, The Hammer Museum and The Museum of Modern Art. She is represented by Deborah Schamoni Gallerie in Munich and Koenig & Clinton in New York.