Acts, 2012, 6 channel video, 12 min. 7 sec., Courtesy of the artists
iFind, iABUSe To SiMPLiFy, iCUSToMize oBjeCTiVe Mine, iyoU WHAT See, 2011, Video, 7 min. 58 sec., Courtesy of the artists
Ending Bad People is Ambiguity The Strength, the Courage & the Audacity is in Trusting the Universe! Have Faith, a Violet Spirit, be an Eagle, never loose Hope Be Coherent & U will find (the) Tangibility of Life, 2015, Wallpaper, Dimensions variable
, 1000A man appears in the form of a black silhouette against a backdrop of continuously changing vivid colors. After bending to take a bow, he begins singing, dancing and moving to the beat of the song. Intermittently the silhouette fades or becomes two silhouettes to form a symmetry as if standing in front of a mirror; sometimes it also splits into many silhouettes layered on top of each other. This video project consists of four parts, featuring, respectively, the four songs Oh Donna, I Shot the Sheriff, Purple Rain, and Tira a mao da minh xuxa. The exaggerated wailing of the songs is interspersed with sudden exhortations in Portuguese, and as this repeated switching back and forth continues, the borders between familiar and unfamiliar and between pop culture and high culture become gradually blurred. (At the request of the artist, this video was screened in English and Portuguese without Korean subtitles.)
Together with the wallpaper, Ending Bad People…, the video iFind, iABUSe To SiMPLiFy... is hanging at the same height of the viewer while sitting in the arm chair. The video is made based on the images cut and spliced a series of globally familiar Google image searches, colliding the banalities of the universe, faith, tangibility and trust with the force of political will. The resulting collage reproduced as wallpaper, and the viewers are invited to listen to a voice-over narrative as well as soundtracks while seated, “The belief experience,” and “Don’t always believe what you hear.” The tightly controlled cynicism of the works’ language has a depth that startles, it makes the viewers unsure and becomes a conduit to a series of internal questions.
N?stio Mosquito b. 1981, Vic Pereir? b. 1971. Live and work in Ghent.
Nastivicious is a productive unit. We are committed to create good work. We are going to die. Nastivicious focuses on being consequent perspective providers. Open, pleasure, joy and beauty; WE ARE. Nastivicious is PINK PUNK. We are set to fragment common and dominant notions of ourselves and the world so that we may serve the human, for which the art world should be providing for. Nastivicious challenges mind, with purpose. Nastivicious are set to develop formats of thought and practice; Offering an, integrable into your life, experience. Possibility. Recent exhibitions include; My Father Has No Surname, Espai d’art contemporani de Castell?, Catell?n, 2016; South, G?teborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, 2015; Daily Lovemaking, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 2015; …all silent but for the buzzing…, Royal College of Art, London, 2014; and 9 Artists, Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis, 2013.