Joohyun Kim
5 Torus, 2015, 3D network of cooper wire and LEDs, 350 x 200 x 300(h) cm?
Warping?1 M?bius Strip, 2016, 3D network of cooper wire and LEDs, 193 x 170 x 55(h) cm?
Warping?Web144-2, 2016, 3D network of cooper wire and LEDs, 120 x 70 x 60(h) cm
? Location: Nam-Seoul Living Arts Museum
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 1, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 53 x 53 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 2, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 62 x 56.5 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 3, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 62 x 56.5 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 4, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 55 x 55 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 5, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 6, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 34 x 32 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 7, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 30 x 30 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 8, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 34 x 32 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 9, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 71 x 73 cm
Drawing for 〈Circuit of Memory〉 10, 2010?2011, Ink on paper, 71 x 73 cm
Collection of the Seoul?Museum of Art
? Location: Buk-Seoul Museum of Art
The Warping series formulates various potential changes of the universe based on basic concepts of topology, or Non-Euclidean geometry. The rotation of a non-symmetrical spiral creates an exchange between interior and exterior and an organic integration of mesh structures. It realizes the principle of mutual rotation most well-known through the M?ebius strip. This phenomenon is emphasized by LED lights lit by a delicate electric circuit and copper lines that are both structural elements and functional electric tools. LED lights that represent concentration and diffusion create the universe’s illusory atmosphere. The work’s presentation at the Nam- Seoul Living Arts Museum reaffirms its mutual and organic relationship with different places. Its multi-dimensional and integrative presentation further expands the horizon of thinking.
Joohyun Kim has worked on how uniform, modular shapes turn into a highly delicate and complicated forms based on simple, basic rules. Regarding the project Circuit of Memory, 2011, consisting of hundreds of electric wires and small LED bulbs, Kim states “I began this work on the thought that nothing shows relationships better than electric flow.” Ten drawings, created between 2010 and 2011 especially for Circuit of Memory, are on display in this exhibition. They are the medium through which we can catch a glimpse of how the artist has been attentive to circulating “relationships” and the way in which she transforms her ideas into signs of these relationships.
Joohyun Kim
b. 1965. Lives and works in Seoul.
Joohyun Kim is an artist who creates sculptures in which modules are repeatedly combined according to mathematical laws and reveal a certain form and structure. She majored in sculpture at Seoul National University and graduated from Hochschule f?r Bildende K?nste Braunschweig in Germany. Kim has held over ten solo exhibitions since 1993. She also enjoys installing her artworks in public spaces for the benefit of anyone who passes by. In 2009, she participated in the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency Program. Her key interest is in visualizing concepts of modern science such as fractal, chaos and complexity in the form of sculpture and thereby expanding the horizon of contemporary art. Her most well-known works include The Hinges, The Web of Life and Torus.