Genre Sub Genre

Genre Sub Genre is a short film consisting of four episodes documenting the predictions of a land in the Southeast of Indonesia. An experimental video work, it was included in the movie and photography project hosted by the Nusa Tenggara Timur Museum of Indonesia.

Choi Gene-uk

Around the time of the Inter-Korean Summit, the kinds of ‘art’ presented to the South Korean public were benign travel sketches by a few painters. The painters depicted the people or landscape of North Korea as “peaceful scenery of a foreign country” as if they were camels along the Silk Route. But there is something “impure” in the paintings, different from other ideologically “pure” paintings produced by other artists around the time.

How to Disappear Completely

A young girl from the countryside dreams of disappearing. She plays a lonely game of hide-and-seek while her mother quotes the Bible and her father relishes in alcohol. She decides to put on a stage play based on an old Philippine film about a family who disappears in the mountain during the war.

Choi Sunghun + Park Sunmin

Electric cords create a unique impressive landscape of Korea. Most electric cords are entangled in a surprisingly complex way.We often witness magpies or sparrows perching on the lines. Considering the strong electric power flowing inside the line cover, the idyllic scene of the birds would soon turn into a risky play prior to an impending dangerous disaster.

Jesse Jones

Jesse Jones’ 16mm film The Spectre and the Sphere evokes the spectres of ideology and amplifies residual voices that haunt the cultural vessels of history. It examines how the spaces of our popular imagining, such as the theater and the cinema, are also containers of historical and political impulses.