Unfinished Work

So the matter of colonization became a replacement for the issue of not using Japanese ways of speaking or watching movies commemorating Yoo Kwan Soon. Identical indicators of sub-main agents (margin, women and the non-center) who have been oppressed and excluded in the nation-state are examined through historical context.

Jawshing Arthur Liou

Kora is deliberately shot and edited from a first person perspective, placing the viewer on the path of a pilgrim. The thin air of the dizzying altitude is made palpable through the hand-held camera technique. Only that which is closest in view has defined edges; the mountain remains a mirage receding into the heavens.

Cutaways of Jiang Chun Gen ? Forward and Back Again

This documentary short is a portrait of an elderly Chinese farmer who was infected by Japanese biological warfare (glanders) in […]

Mae Nak

Mae Nak is a deconstruction of the one of Thailand’s most popular ghost story “Mae Nak Phra Khanong” as well as the most popular genre of ghost films (more than twenty versions exist). The story is about the jealous spirit of a woman who died in childbirth while her husband was away in the battlefield.

YAO Jui-chung

The centenary of Hsinhai Revolution has passed; the Cold War has long ended, neoliberalism has conquered the world, and the logic of global capitalism has become a universal currency. But what is the transcendental rule of history? Could there be an everlasting dynasty of Nationalism?