[SECTION 3] Cold War Theater / October 14th?19th

The Border City 2

Korea, 2009, 104min, Color, DV

Hyung-sook Hong

In 2003, Prof. Song Du-yul decided to go back to his homeland after spending thirty seven years in Germany in spite of an arrest warrant that had been issued. But within a week he fell from a respected advocate of democracy to the biggest spy ever. This threw Korean society into a turmoil of red paranoia. Nobody, even his friends, was free from the dreadful reality. Six years have passed. Now he is no longer a spy but he was in 2003. What on earth were his crimes then? And what difference is there in Korean society between now and then?
Hong has worked on documentaries since joining the Seoul Visual Collective in 1987. She has continuously directed meaningful Korean independent documentaries including Doomealee, A New School Is Opening (1995), ON-line; An Inside View of Korean Independent Film (1996), Reclaiming Our Names (1998), Doomealee, The Very First Step (2000), and The Border City (2002). Currently, she teaches documentary at Chung-Ang University’s School of Performing Arts and Media while working on her own films.